“As a catalyst, and in sunscreens, gas sensors, and cosmetic creams
used in chemical and mechanical polishing (CMP) and in the wood coating industry
Very good optical properties and can filter UV rays.”
Have been in use for hundreds of years as a dye. It is also an essential human nutrient as part of vitamin B12.can also be used in several military applications such as high-performance invisible materials for absorbing extremely high frequency (EHF) millimeter wave (MMW), visible light and infrared.
Have been in use for hundreds of years as a dye. It is also an essential human nutrient as part of vitamin B12.can also be used in several military applications such as high-performance invisible materials for absorbing extremely high frequency (EHF) millimeter wave (MMW), visible light and infrared.
“In micro-electronics
As a magnetic Nanoparticless with numerous uses in microbatteries, nanowires, and specific alloy and catalyst applications
In catalysis, superconductors, electronic ceramics and other fields as an important inorganic material
As catalyst and catalyst carriers
As an electrode active materials
For glass, porcelain colorants and pigments
Chemical industry oxidants
Senior goggles and other filter materials
As carbides
In temperature and gas sensors
In electrochromic devices
In enamels, grinding wheels, and solar energy absorbers”